Beef Yield Grading, IDPix Cards


Coaching a Meats Judging CDE team can be a daunting task especially without a lot of local resources. So if you have trouble finding cooler time for your team (or even finding a carcasses to evaluate), you want to make sure you drill your team on yield grades, or you are tired of losing points on the yield grading portion of the CDE, then you need to check out our cards. 
Teachers love our Yield Grading cards because they make it so simple to train a CDE team or teach a class. They are perfect for self-study or as a lab activity in Animal Science. Every ribeye shown is actual size so you can lay your grid right on the image. Much cheaper than buying ribeyes to practice on!
    - 6x9 inch color photos showing an actual-size ribeye
    - actual carcass data is given on the back
    - 3 variations on the data is also given so the cards can be used again without your students memorizing them
    - laminated with a sealed edge for durability
    - 30 cards are included


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