Students paint their palms green, blue, or yellow depending on what level of degree they've earned through the FFA and then press their hand onto the degree wall and add their name.

Create a Degree Wall (& a Legacy) for Your FFA Members

White Oak FFA in North Carolina tweeted a great image about an annual activity their chapter started.

Degree wall

At the end of each school year the degree recipients get to paint their hands and make their mark on the chapter building they have on campus. 

  • Greenhand degree recipients get to apply some green paint and make their mark along with their name and year. 
  • Chapter degree recipients can then add their hand print again with blue paint. 
  • White Oak just had their first state degree recipient so they got to use yellow paint.

The advisor said that this is a chapter activity that they did away from the awards banquet.  The awards are fine and the parents love them, but the students like being able to make their mark on the chapter. 

I've seen chapters do handprints on ceiling tiles or along the top border of their classroom too. Some chapters even allow students who have been in the program four years the opportunity to paint a cinder block in the shop as they choose (within reason) with their name and years.  These students continue to come back and see that their block still there and younger siblings often stop by the shop first to see where there brother or sister's block is.  It's been going on so long no students see aunts, uncles, mothers, and fathers on the wall too.  Now you have the idea, so run with it.

We'd love to see your results. Post some pictures on how yours turned out on Pinterest and Twitter. Send us your Twitter and Pinterest handles and we'll be glad to follow. You can also contact me at


Good luck!