Must Haves for Your Shiny New (or New to You) School Greenhouse

I've noticed several posts on NAAE Communities of Practice and Facebook "Ag Ed Discussion Lab" concerning:  "What are your must haves for your greenhouse?"  Not a must have greenhouse mind you, but the stuff that goes into the greenhouse. Here's the list I managed to compile but I know I have left a few things out. 

  1. Plastic Garbage cans (preferably wheeled to move soil from bench to bench)
  2. 4 inch pots, 10 inch pots, and hanging baskets
  3. Water hose(s) that will reach every square inch of your greenhouse
  4. Water wand(s) and water breaker(s)
  5. Hose carts
  6. Shade cloth
  7. Fertilizer injector
  8. Automatic watering system
  9. Nursery wagon(s)
  10. Sharpies.  Lots of black sharpies.
  11. Wheel barrow
  12. Planting tables (preferably metal, rust resistant)

Please add a comment on the essentials I left out.  Your suggestions will benefit a lot of ag teachers.  Please follow us on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter. Send us your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest handles and we'll be glad to follow. You can also contact me at

Have a great day!