Community Service Ideas to Fit Your Community

Community Service Ideas to Fit Your Community

Community services ideas don't always have to be the same old thing. Here Mountain Home FFA planted 1,000 Bitter Brush plants in their native range on public land as a community service.

Bitter Brush might not even be native to your region of the country, but that's not the point. What's important is find a way to impact your community and in this case the environment. Service to fellow citizens remains a great opportunity for your chapter, but take time to mix in some service to the area you live in.

Whether it's planting trees, improving eroded lands, eliminating exotic species, or simply planting flowers. Not only will this mix things up it will also be a great photo opportunity and give you and your students a chance to meet a group of people you don't normally associate with. This is an opportunity to connect with new professionals and community leaders that may not know much about your chapter as well. 

This is a great time to promote your students and the chapter by describing all the activities you participate in each year. If you need more ideas, A Different Kind of Chapter Recruitment and Community Service Idea is another great way to provide a community service to folks in your area. Also, if you haven't stopped by our store check out what's new from One Less Thing.